To use these functionalities, you should include pnl/pnl_integration.h.
These functions are designed for numerically solving n-dimensional first order ordinary differential equation of the general form
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The system of equations is defined by the following structure
typedef struct { void (*F) (int neqn, double t, const double *y, double *yp, void *params); int neqn; void *params; } PnlODEFunc ;
int neqn
Description Number of equations
void * params
Description An untyped structure used to pass extra arguments to the function f
defining the system
void (* F) (int neqn, double t, const double *y, double *yp, void *params)
Description After calling the fuction, yp should be defined as follows yp_i = f_i(neqn,
t, y, params). y and yp should be both of size neqn
We provide the following macro to evaluate a PnlODEFunc at a given point
#define PNL_EVAL_ODEFUNC(Fstruct, t, y, yp) \ (*((Fstruct)->F))((Fstruct)->neqn, t, y, yp, (Fstruct)->params)
int pnl_ode_rkf45 (PnlODEFunc *f, double *y, double t, double t_out, double relerr,
double abserr, int *flag)
Description This function computes the solution of the system defined by the PnlODEFunc
f at the point t_out. On input, (t,y) should be the initial condition, abserr,relerr are the
maximum absolute and relative errors for local error tests (at each step, abs(local error)
should be less that relerr * abs(y) + abserr). Note that if abserr = 0 or relerr = 0 on
input, an optimal value for these variables is computed inside the function The
function returns an error OK or FAIL. In case of an OK code, the y contains the
solution computed at t_out, in case of a FAIL code, flag should be examined to
determine the reason of the error. Here are the different possible values for flag
flag = 2 : integration reached t_out, it indicates successful return and is the normal mode for continuing integration.
flag = 3 : integration was not completed because relative error tolerance was too small. relerr has been increased appropriately for continuing.
flag = 4 : integration was not completed because more than 3000 derivative evaluations were needed. this is approximately 500 steps.
flag = 5 : integration was not completed because solution vanished making a pure relative error test impossible. must use non-zero abserr to continue. using the one-step integration mode for one step is a good way to proceed.
flag = 6 : integration was not completed because requested accuracy could not be achieved using smallest allowable stepsize. user must increase the error tolerance before continued integration can be attempted.
flag = 7 : it is likely that rkf45 is inefficient for solving this problem. too much output is restricting the natural stepsize choice. use the one-step integrator mode. see pnl_ode_rkf45_step.
flag = 8 : invalid input parameters this indicator occurs if any of the following is satisfied - neqn <= 0, t=tout, relerr or abserr <= 0.
int pnl_ode_rkf45_step (PnlODEFunc *f, double *y, double *t, double t_out, double
*relerr, double abserr, double *work, int *iwork, int *flag)
Description Same as pnl_ode_rkf45 but it only computes one step of integration in the
direction of t_out. work and iwork are working arrays of size 3 + 6 * neqn and 5 respectively
and should remain untouched between successive calls to the function. On output t holds
the point at which integration stopped and y the value of the solution at that